We're thirty, and we know a little
I had an outline for this post that I felt pretty good about, but it’s gone now. Vanished into the digital ether. It turns out the shiny...
(Other people's) stories from my travels
“What binds us together as a human family is our collective yearning to belong, and we need to share our stories to achieve that. Stories...
Dancing Queen
"Next up, Erika and Kenzie!" On cue, Erika and I brush past the curtain and walk nervously across the stage to our places. I try to take...
Epilogue: Tour Loaf Captain's Log
Day 28: Jacksonville, FL to Detroit, MI All things must come to an end. A pleasant alarm sang out on Molhy's cellular device at 0700...
Captain's Log 7-31-19 and 8-1-19
Day 26: Charlotte to Jacksonville, Florida As usual on travel days after staying in a place for a while, the morning was spent cleaning...
Captain's Log 7-29-19 and 7-30-19
Day 24: Tom's Brook to Charlotte, North Carolina We are back to our "regularly scheduled programming" for the tour, as McRage pointed out...
Captain's Log 7-28-19
Day 23: Philadelphia to Tom's Brook, Virginia In the footsteps of the Fresh Prince, we left (South) Philadelphia to go to Bel Air...